Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Year

So, I honestly thought it was common knowledge among my facebook friends that I wrote.  I try not to inundate my personal news feed with stuff about my books, but I do create a post on my personal page each time I publish a book, and other writing landmarks. On New Year's, I posted one of those 'Wow, 2013 was so awesome to me' posts, and talked about my writing.  I was inundated with messages from friends, wanting to know what I wrote, how I got started doing it, who do I publish with, etc.  When I ran into someone at the Pit Stop, who'd seen my posts, but wanted me to friend his daughter, so she could learn from me, I decided something else has to happen.  All these people are curious about it, and I have some answers (notice I said 'some' answers, not 'the' answers).

Yesterday morning, I typed up a short (very short, need to flesh it out) guide to what I've done, writing, publishing, and marketing.  Now, I'm not sure what to do with it.  I'm definitely sending it to everyone who's asked me about how to get published, because that's who I wrote it for.  But I think others would benefit from it too.

I may put it up for sale, or hell, free.  I may put it on this website.  I may serialize it, and make it a weekly post thing for the blog.  I haven't totally decided yet, but hopefully I will by the time I finish with it.  And hopefully, it will help others find something that they're looking for.

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